One in a melon!

Here are some tasty facts about these colorful, summertime treats:

  • Melon is a member of the Cucurbitaceae family. Its closest relatives are squashes and cucumbers.
  • Watermelon contains more than 92% of water.
  • Melons originate from Africa and southwestern parts of Asia.
  • Ancient Egyptians have been cultivated melons 2000 years BC.
  • After they become widely spread and popular in Europe, melons were introduced to America by the Spanish settlers during the 15th and 16th century.
  • Melons have high nutritional value. They are rich source of vitamin C, vitamins of the B group, and minerals such as potassium, manganese, iron and phosphorus
  • Largest recorded watermelon had 262 pounds of weight.
  • The cantaloupe was first cultivated in the 1700s, in the Italian papal village of Cantalup.
  • 25% of globally consumed melons originate from China. It produces over 8 million tons of melons each year.

For more on this fruit: